Blog Archives


May. The month of review. For those of you who are following our progress, have donated to getting the book published, or who have submitted an essay or photograph we wanted to let you know where we’re at and how things are progressing.

First, essay review! Our editors are hard at work reviewing the essays that were submitted. Each essay will be read by a few editors who will then come back with their thoughts on it. All of these will be compiled and then discussion had on which essays will be immediately accepted, which will need some work, and which we won’t, unfortunately, be using at this time. We had hoped to be doing this in April but had extended the deadline and given that all of the editors are busy with full-time other jobs (one is graduating from Harvard, one is moving to Jerusalem, one is moving to Pakistan) we’ve decided to use all of May for the first review and give the essays the due time they deserve. If you submitted something expect to hear from us in June.

Second, photo review! Our photo team is taking a look at all the submissions we received and, like the above, expect to hear from us in June.

Third, donations! First, thank you to ALL who have contributed big or small you’re contribution has meant that we don’t really have to worry about scraping together the money for the cover design, internal design, ebook design, etc. This is fabulous. However, we’re still about $1,000 short of what we need to get a website up and going and everything totally funded so we’re going to go ahead and do an Indiegogo project. This is like Kickstarter but, unlike Kickstarter, they allow you to keep the entirety of your donations even if you don’t get fully funded. If you have donated we’ll be keeping you updated on what the money is spent on and when. More on that soon…

Please feel free to write with comments, questions or suggestions. We love having you on board with this project!




I love this picture! We’re now moving along to try #24. As you’ve probably seen we didn’t quite reach our Kickstarter funding. What does that mean? Well, for every grey cloud there’s a silver lining. What we realised in watching the funding come in is that we know most of you and most of you know us. Why are we paying 5% to Amazon and 5% to Kickstarter when you can help fund this without taking that cut? Moreover, a lot of that $11,000-odd budget was to cover things like postage and prizes that we might/might not have had to ship.

So, our Plan B is this. There’s a number of ways that you can help support this still…

1. If you know me personally and think I’m a reasonably safe bet you can send me your support through paypal. Click here to use your paypal or credit card.

2. If you’d rather send a cheque, wire transfer, or credit card details and we can process whatever amount you would like to contribute.

3. We’re going to put up a new funding project on in coming days. This website is like Kickstarter but they let you keep proceeds even if you don’t reach your goal. (Taking a 9% cut if you don’t and a 4% cut if you do).

Any way you choose, once you’re on a contributor list we’ll still send you the prizes that were listed on Kickstarter as well as sending you the budget and keep you informed of how we’re spending the money for accountability purposes.

If you didn’t get a chance to kick in on Kickstarter and want to be a supporter (uhhh, I’m lookin’ at you DAD!!) then send me an email and we’ll get you on board!

Sound like a plan? Right! Go!


From the lyrics of another fabulous red-head in the musical, Annie. “Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow! You’re only a daaaay, aaaaa-way!”

Tomorrow’s the 30th of March and the deadline for essay submissions. Thanks to everyone who’s sent in their great submissions so far. And looking forward to seeing what the rest of you will be sending along!


Have you got a great picture which you feel captures the essence of work in humanitarian responses? Would you like to submit it for publication in Chasing Misery? Please do! We are now accepting submissions for photographs from women photographers who have photographed humanitarian aid responses in the past 10 years. You don’t have to be an aid worker – you could be a journalist, researcher, student, anyone! The key is that you have a great shot! Please send your submission to: on/before 30 March 2013. Please ensure that the submission is 5MB or under. Submitted photographs will be reviewed and the ten selected photographers will be contacted by the editorial team in April.


Our Kickstarter proposal is now being finalised. Do you know how Kickstarter works? It’s awesome. It provides micro-funding for creative projects like this one. Basically, anyone can support us through donations of a specific amount ($25, $50, etc.) and for each amount our supporters will get ‘prizes’ – like our ebook before it’s officially published, etc. The catch is that it’s all or nothing funding so if we don’t get the entire amount that we need then we don’t get anything at all… You can check them out here: We’ll let you know when the Chasing Misery Project is live!


ashley sudan photos 002

The amazingly talented Ashley Proud has kindly allowed us to use her photo of sheiks in Darfur as a potential cover for Chasing Misery. What do you think? Do you have another photo that you’d like us to consider? Send me a message and I’ll let you know the terms and requirements!


Greetings! We are in the midst of putting together the first volume of, Chasing Misery. Want to know more?

Chasing Misery is an anthology of essays written by women working in humanitarian responses. It will incorporate different voices and experiences into a single volume about humanitarian work. We’re looking to express more of the complexity, depth and impact of aid work on both recipients and aid workers themselves. We want to peel back the ‘do-gooder’ veneer and take a deeper look at the rawness of the work – the fatigue, humour, frustration, hope, despair – in the experiences of our writers.

What are the parameters and guidelines? Well, we’re currently looking for essay submissions:

  • between 1,000-4,000 words;
  • written in the first person by a woman who was involved in a humanitarian response in the past ten years (could be NGO, UN, donor, recipient – all voices are welcome);
  • expressing a consequential event in that woman’s life or capturing a realization and expressing a strong emotion – funny, sad, absurd, difficult, you name it.
  • should not have been previously published or scheduled for publication;

How to submit?

Send your essays to by 30 March 2013 with the email subject line: humanitarian essay. The essay should be spell checked and written in MS Word included to the email as an attachment. The email should contain the following information: 1) writer’s name; 2) email address; 3) current phone number; 4) essay title; 5) essay word count; 6) country/area/situation/response in which the essay is set along with the date of that response.

What happens then? 

Following the deadline the editorial team will meet to review essays. Only selected essay authors will be contacted following the selection. Selected essay authors will be contacted regarding publication plans and contracting for publication.

Got an idea but not sure about it? 

Send me an email ( and we can have a think about it. Got something in the closet gathering dust and you’d like to know whether to work on it? Send it through and we’ll send you our thoughts back! Want to read an article that is queued for publication? Send an email and we’ll let you read one!