

Thoughts on an advance copy of Chasing Misery by contributor Kati Woronka. Click here for the full blog post.

But reading the essays is bringing a lot of memories to life. I’ve worked in many places, difficult places, fun places. I’ve lived in so many countries that I might consider “the most beautiful place on earth” that I would be at a complete loss to choose a winner. None of them are anyone’s top-ten-tourist destination list (unless that someone was an aid worker, or a bit crazy)… Competing for top ranks include Timor Leste, Kosovo, Syria, Darfur. I’ve woken up to mountain landscapes, and ended my days to sunsets that snatch my breath away. And each of those precious moments was all the more precious because I felt so privileged to be there. Not everyone gets to live in the Balkan Mountains or in Southeast Asian rice fields. I could do it because of how awful life was in those places.

I saw evil. Always it was at arm’s length, never did it invade my personal space. But it was always just an arm’s reach away. Genuine, perverse, pure, nasty evil. Hatred, abuse, torture, disdain for humanity – these took the shape of a wide array of expressions which were nothing if not evil.

And all this darkness made the natural beauty of the places where I lived all the more beautiful.

Now, I know there’s plenty of evil surrounding me here in cozy little London. Evil is far from the sole property of the developing world and conflict zones. But it was most certainly more in – your – face.

And after a day of talking to people who have suffered, writing reports about poverty, witnessing injustice in everyday encounters, the grandeur of the desert would fill me with a sense of awe that will never be matched in London, where life is just a tad more respectable.



Attention everyone out there in ‘the field’ in need of a bit of a de-stress. Now there’s yoga just for you…


We received hundreds of stunning photographs from female photographers for submission to Chasing Misery. We (and by ‘we’ I mean mostly Jenn Warren who did the heavy lifting ( have narrowed it down to nine photographers and 50 gorgeous photos. GOR-GEOUS photos. Need a sneak peek?

P101034905 River crossing - rainy season in Darfur- 13June2006 - CSheehan


Washington Institute has just published a brief interview with the head of the Editorial Team, Kelsey Hoppe. Check it out here!


The fact that you’re reading this means that our website has gone live! Yay!

Unfortunately, it also means that you’ll have to ‘mind the mess’ as we get pages up and running. If you click on a page and it’s not there yet please don’t be deterred! It will be up soon.

We hope that this website will be a place where you can find out more about Chasing Misery – the book – which will be published later this year. However, it’s also a place where you can get to know a bit more about us, who we are, why we’re doing this. We also want it to be a place where women working in aid work can leave their experiences and stories – click here for ‘share an experience’ – and find help if they need it – click here for ‘get help’.

We’ll be putting news and updates right here so you can check back in from time to time to find out what we’re up to!

Thanks for your support!
